Routing posts

Arrays in ASP.NET MVC Core route parameters

Posted on: 30-04-2021

How to bind multiple values from a URL to an array parameter

Discovering controller actions and Razor Pages in ASP.NET MVC Core

Posted on: 03-11-2017

Using IActionDescriptorCollectionProvider to find what controller actions and Razor Pages are available in an ASP.NET MVC Core application.

Find out if a URL matches an action in ASP.NET MVC Core

Posted on: 02-10-2017

Sometimes you might need to find out if a given URL will match an action in your MVC Core app. Here we look at how to do that.

Attribute routing cheat sheet for ASP.NET Core

Posted on: 22-10-2016

Quick summary of the most important ways you can use attribute routes in ASP.NET Core. Some rarer scenarios are covered as well.

Hi! My name is Joonas Westlin, I'm a software developer who blogs about ASP.NET Core, Azure, and Web development.

Azure MVP, Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Azure Security Engineer Associate, Azure Developer Associate.